What to Expect After You Have Petitioned for Your Degree
So, you've applied for your degree/s – now what? Here you'll find information about what to expect after you have applied for your degree/s. This information may vary depending on when you filed for your degree/s: Fall, Spring, or Summer.
Degree Process
Step 1: You have already submitted your degree petition with a counselor
If you have not submitted your degree petition with a counselor, you may submit a degree petition online or during a counseling appointment.
Step 2: Petition for your certificate (AS CTE degree Only)
NOTE: this does not apply to the AA/AA-T/AS-T degrees and AS degrees (AS Business, AS Engineering (all emphases), AS Health Science, AS Natural Science, AS SLPA)Regardless of when you plan to file for your degree, make sure to file for your certificate of achievement through the Division if you are earning an Associate of Science CTE degree.
Step 3: Evaluator Review
Your degree petition will be forwarded to your evaluator for a second review. If you are missing requirements or records, the evaluator will inform you through a letter sent to your mailing address listed in LancerPoint. If there are no issues with your degree petition, you will not receive any notification.
If you have completed all your requirements, wait until your degree posts according to the timeline of your filed term (example: if you filed for your degree in Summer or Fall or Spring term).
Step 4: Your degree will post on your transcript
Pending final requirements:
- Summer degrees will post in August/September
- Fall degrees will post in January/February
- Spring degrees will post June/July
At that time, you may verify your degree(s) on your unofficial transcript in LancerPoint.
*Please note this timeline may vary depending on various factors each semester. Submit a ticket to Admissions & Records for questions relating to posting and mailing of diploma(s).
Step 5: Your diploma will be mailed
Diploma(s) will be mailed to your mailing address listed in LancerPoint in:
- Summer diplomas will be mailed in November/December
- Fall diplomas will be mailed in April/May
- Spring degrees will be mailed in October/November
*Please note this timeline may vary depending on various factors each semester. Submit a ticket to Admissions & Records for questions relating to posting and mailing of diploma(s).
Commencement is celebrated once a year in the month of June for Summer, Fall, and Spring graduates.
- Example: Students earning degree/s in Summer 2024, Fall 2024, and Spring 2025 will participate in the June 2025 commencement.
Commencement information is published in April.
- Find out when and how to order your cap and gown to participate.
- Participation is not required to earn your degree.
- You will recieve a diploma "holder" at commencement since your degree/diploma will be awarded at a later time (based on the timelines listed above).
If you have questions about your cap and gown purchase or guest tickets, please contact the office of Student Life at commencement@zhanmi.net or (626) 585-7385.
Go to the Commencement PageFrequently Asked Questions
What happens if I do not pass my class?
If you do not pass a class/es required for your degree, you will need to register for your last class/es again. Affer you add into the class/es, submit a new degree petition with a counselor.Is there a commencement ceremony for each term (Summer, Fall, Spring)?
PCC celebrates commencement once a year in June.
Example: Students earning degree/s in Summer 2024, Fall 2024, and Spring 2025 will
participate in the June 2025 commencement.
If I'm earning my degree in Summer, do I have to wait until next June to participate in commencement?
If you need 1-2 classes in Summer session to earn your degree, you may participate
early in this year's June commencement. When petitioning for your degree/s, remember to ask your counselor to give you verification of your Summer degree petition
pending 1-2 class/es.
However, your name will not be published in the commencement book. Instead, your name
will be published in next year's commencement book.
Example: Earning degree in Summer 2024 but participating in June 2024 commencement.
Name will be published in June 2025 commencement book.
Note: If you work at PCC, you will need to update your address in Human Resources.
- Log in to LancerPoint
- Hamburger menu (top left)
- Discover > search "Update My Profile"
- Update Addresses & Phones
- Confirm if your mailing address is current.
- If you need to update your address, under the drop-down menu for "Type of Address to Insert", select "Mailing" and click on "Submit".
- Follow the prompts to update your mailing address.
Receiving an Associate degree at PCC will not impact your enrollment at PCC, your Financial Aid or your California College Promise Grant (BOGW) at PCC.
If you are transferring to a CSU for a major that accepts your ADT degree and you noted your ADT intent on your CSU application, our evaluators will submit an e-verify to the CSUs on your behalf.
To check if your CSU accepts your ADT:
- Go to the ADT website
Enter your major, Pasadena City College, and your CSU
If you did not let the CSU know of your ADT intent on your CSU application, you will need to send your Verification of Intent to Earn Associate in Arts/Science Degree - Transfer form to your CSUs directly. You may request this form by asking your counselor or submitting an online counseling request. You will need to make copies of the form and submit to your CSUs.
Once your ADT degree posts on your PCC transcript, your official transcript will be your verification document. You will no longer need to submit the Verification of Intent form.
You do NOT need to submit verification if you are transferring as a different major (i.e. getting AS-T in Math but transferring as a Biology major).
You do NOT need to submit the verification if you are transferring to a UC.